
Good Country People And Everyday Use: A Literary Analysis

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When looking into works of literature, some works can seem to be similar or they can seem to be very different. Stories can have a similar setting, point of view, theme, or sense of language and style. However, all of these points could be very different as well and could cover different theme or style. “Good Country People” and “Everyday Use” are two good stories that can both be compared in the theme they both portray, language and style used, and also the setting in both stories. Although in the contrasting side of things, these stories are different in the symbols used within the story, irony, and also the point of view the story is told in. The stories “Good Country People” and “Everyday Use” have several similarities between them. One …show more content…

In “Everyday Use”, the language and style is as if the reader is being talked to or in understanding of the conversation. One piece of the story that can prove that is, in the beginning of the story when she says, “You’ve no doubt seen those TV shows where the child who has “made it” is confronted, as a surprise, by her own mother and father, tottering in weakly from backstage” (DiYanni, 2007, p.743). Alice Walker also uses the use of contractions, which is used in daily life in how typical language is. Also in “Good Country People”, this story’s language and style is not the same as “Everyday Use”, but they are similar, in this story it is as if the individual is a part of the conversation, but not directly talked …show more content…

The story, “ Everyday Use”, is told in first person by the mom of Dee and Maggie. This is evident because she uses “I” and we can only know what she is feeling and her side of the story and only are able to read her thoughts. The first sentence of the story gives some insight that this is first person, “I will wait for her in the yard that Maggie and I made up so clean and wavy yesterday afternoon” (DiYanni, 2007, p.743). On the other hand, in “Good Country People”, the story is told in third person omniscient. We know this because we can see into different characters thoughts and feelings, not just one throughout the whole story. Like in the part where the Bible salesman and Hulga, both of their actions or thoughts inside of their minds are displayed, “Nothing seemed to destroy the boy’s look of admiration. He gazed at her now as if the fantastic animal at the zoo had put its paw through the bars and given him a loving poke” (DiYanno,

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