
Good Country People Hulga Character Analysis

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An Induced Handicap In Flannery O’Conner’s short story, “Good Country People,” the author uses various influences and instances in order to depict a handicapped woman, a woman who develops deeper problems induced by a singular static factor. O’Conner provides insight regarding the handicaps in Hulga’s life, such as her need to rebel, her guarded and insecure nature, and her condescending nature, all of which, are products of her ultimate handicap, her prosthetic leg. Hulga’s demonstrates her rebellious side throughout the story in the form of rigid and rude behavior, as well as action taken by her. Hulga demonstrates her rebellious nature in the introduction of the story, as the author provides insight to her triumph associated with changing …show more content…

do you ever look inside? Do you ever look inside and see what you are not? God!” (1343). The rigid and explicit behavior associated with the rebellious nature that Hulga exhibits is likely a diversion technique that makes her feel secure and comfortable around others. Hulga also exhibits a guarded personality through her unwillingness to trust others, which is another support for her insecure nature. Her guarded personality shows when she begins to socialize with the bible salesman in a very impersonal manner: “Joy had given him one look on being introduced to him and then throughout the meal has not glanced at him again” (1346). Aside from the demonstration of insecurity through rebellion, explicit behavior, and a guarded personality, Hulga also finds comfort in her condescending nature that stems from her advanced philosophical education. Mrs. Hopewell, Hulga’s mother, describes Hulga’s education as a “Ph.D. in philosophy” (1344). Hulga uses her extensive educational background throughout the story as she condescends upon others, and imagines herself as superior: “True genius can get an idea across even to an inferior mind” (1349). Hulga’s behavior of hiding behind condescending behavior and assumed superiority is another shield to aid in her handicap related to

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