n the book, Good Strategy/Bad Strategy by Richard Rumelt, the author goes into detail about the differences of good strategy and bad strategy and at the same time making clear distinctions of a company’s strategy that is implemented to achieve the company’s objective versus their objectives overall. Rumelt divides his book into numerous chapters such as what it takes to develop a good strategy, how bad strategy is formed over time and why it happens so often, chain-link systems, the science behind good strategy, and much more. A good strategy, according to Rumelt, is the first advantage because “other organizations do not have a strategy”. Most companies have unfortunately been misguided by poor strategy, and they focus on performance objectives or vague goals. Throughout the book, the author claims that a good strategy “has coherence, coordinating actions, policies, and resources as to accomplish an important end “ (Rumelt 26). In the first chapter of the book, Rumelt talks about how the Apple Corporation’s strategy and its CEO, Steve Jobs, were able to revive the company during 1997. When Steve Jobs modified Apple’s strategy, he wanted one simple thing; integrate plain strategy. Rumelt describes in the first chapter that “the power of Jobs’ strategy came from directly taking the fundamental problem wit ha focused and coordinated set of actions. He did not announce ambitious revenue or profit goals; he did not indulge in messianic visions of the future. And he did not just
Strategy is a set of complicated tactics formulated by the executives of a company directed towards the achievement of company’s goal (Salmela, 2002). It is about all the path ways that a company would follow to reach its ultimate goal. It is a company’s strategy which helps to identify what it does better than the other companies in the industries, which may be different from what it does best. For successful strategy formulation and implementation, a company should know the needs of customers and should have knowledge of its competitors. Through a good strategy a company would identify that opportunity which makes it different from the others (Thompson, 2005).
Chandler (1977) believes strategy is about using the necessary recourses so the organizations are able to carry out their long-term goals and aims. Which relates to Johnson (1987, pp. 4-5) who states, “Strategic decisions occur at many levels of managerial activity and will be concerned with the long-term direction”.
Johnson, G., Scholes, K., & Whittington, R. (2006). Exploring Corporate Strategy (Text and Cases) (8 ed.). Prentice Hall.
Rousseau (2011) defines strategy as a link connecting military power and political purpose. He emphasizes that strategy entails the use of threat and force to achieve policy objectives. Given the unfortunate centrality of war to world events, strategy becomes a significant aspect in providing a theory of success. The perennial popularity of books on military and application of works of wisdom in the use of force today is unequivocal. Particularly, books that generally focus of the theory of strategy, studies with varied meanings for all purposes, technologies, places, and times are increasingly rare. In the past 2,400 years, only 3 classic works are significant on this subject and no more than five have an enduring value (Rousseau, 2011). Sun-Tzu’s classic work on The Art of War is one such classic works basing on strategic theory that has implications for all purposes, places, times, and technologies. Sun-Tzu wrote his book in China in ca. 400 BC during the era of “Warring States, 403-221 BC” (Rousseau, 2011, p. 79). Henri de Jomini’s The Art of War that he wrote in 1838 also deserves an honorable mention.
In this assignment we will discuss how Rumelt’s view point of Good Strategy and Bad Strategy challenge the conventional models of strategy and analyze how the different perspectives of social science disciplines aid strategic management.
Strategy is not only a tool for outfoxes the competition but also an incredible means for creating and shaping a company
In general, manager’s look at competition has been too narrow. There is a broad set of competitors that need to be looked at, which are described in “The Five Competitive Forces That Shape Strategy” by Michael E. Porter. The model explains that there are several other forces in the competition for profits that the strategist should be aware of when forming a stagey. Those forces determine the profitability of the industry and are the most important to look at when you are forming a strategy. These five forces are are the “industry structure” model which contain: New Entrants, Suppliers, Buyers, Substitutes, and Existing Competitors.
Michael Porter’s article, “What is strategy?” sets to explain that both operation efficiency (OE) and strategy are required for reaching superior performance, but further clarifies and emphasizes the misnomer that OE is not strategy.
Alfred Chandler(1963) defines strategy as ‘ the determination of the long-run goals and objectives of an enterprise and the adoption of courses of action of an enterprise and the adoption of courses of action and the allocation of resources necessary for carrying out these goals’. And Michael porter(1996) sees it as ‘Competitive strategy is about being different. It means deliberately choosing different set of activities to deliver a unique mix of value’.
According to Slack et al. The corporate strategy or business strategy is the guide lines for the whole corporation’s businesses in relation to its markets, customers, and the competitors (2007). In the same context, the same authors discussed the link between the corporate strategy and
A strategy is said to be a plan that is made for the long term success of a product or brand. It is extremely important to have a strategy in order to figure out a direction towards which any company is able to focus all its resources efficiently and achieve desired outcomes. Formulating effective strategies is a considerably long process in itself that combines analysing several factors, situations and issues that are already present in a company and looking to improve on them alongside trying to implement various innovations and ideas to collectively create a direction towards which they can move and direct the resources available to them.
Strategy can be defined as being different from one’s competitors, finding the race to operate and accomplished it. According to Michael Porter (1996), while becoming better at what you do is desirable, it will not benefit you in the long run because it is something other competitors can also do. Strategies for organizations are originally developed by Michael E. Porter in 1979 by introducing the five forces model. A company can identify the industry profitability and attractiveness by analyzing the five forces of Porter (Johnson et al., 2008). And then a reasonable strategy can be set up in line with the strengths and the weakness of an organization is able to create a plan for a stronger position for the organization within its
In the book “Good Strategy and Bad Strategy”, Richard Rumelt illustrates examples of success and failure of business management to explain the true meaning of the strategy, and tells companies how to develop a correct strategy and adhere to core of management strategy. He also emphasizes the central role of strategic management as to remind the readers to understand the huge difference between a good strategy and bad strategy. This book has three sections: good and bad strategy, sources of power, and thinking like a strategist. I will be evaluating strengths and weaknesses under these topics. After finish reading the book, I had gained a better understanding of what a good strategy means to the success of a company. According to Rumelt, a good strategy is coherent, where companies pursue multiple objectives that are connected with each other. Rumelt points out that a good strategy consists of three elements: diagnosis, guiding policy, and coherent action. (71) First, diagnosis means to define the obstacles and challenges that the companies are facing, and guidelines help the people to overcome the obstacles. Lastly, coherent action is the activities or actions that company did to be consistent with its guiding policy. Today, many of us lost the focus of the strategy, which results in the downward of businesses and organizations. Rumelt has defined the strategy as acknowledging the main problems and take coherent action to overcome the problems. Moreover, he illustrates
There are various schools of strategy that have been vigorously debated on and after a consolidated effort; three schools of strategy were produced. They are the planning school, the positional school, and the resource based school of strategy (Ritson, 2013). All these strategies will be described with examples to buttress each.