
Good Vs. Evil In Hawthorne's Young Goodman Brown

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Nathaniel Hawthorne was born on July 4, 1804 in Salem Massachusetts which was steeped in the Puritan legacy. An early ancestor, William Hathorne, was a judge known for his rigid sentencing and his son, John Hathorne, was as well one of the three judges during the Salem Witch Trials in the 1690s. These actions made Nathaniel Hawthorne to distance himself from his family and changed his last name by adding a “w” to it. Hawthorne was an early American Romantic writer who is considered a very significant person for the elevated American short story from a part time killer into a major literary form together with the effort of Edgar Allan Poe. Hawthorne expressed his New England Puritan heritage throughout “Young Goodman Brown”. This story develops though Goodman Brown giving into evil and the dishonesty in his wife Faith, as well as, all characters being symbols as all people fall into temptation and go from good to evil. In a religious context the Puritans believed that all men deserved damnation. In a Puritans world the only thing they were scared of was not being save. According to Puritans beliefs, God was the only person who could safe people from their sins. The only way someone could be safe by God was to be save through …show more content…

The main problem that was throughout the story was the conflict between good and evil. Even though Goodman Brown was clearly resisting the devil from the beginning to the end it clearly shows that he knew it was the devil he was meeting. When it was time for them to meet Goodman Brown indicated they had made an appointment for their encounter by saying “Faith kept me back awhile” (343).Just like the critic said “ He is prepared to witness evil and perhaps partake”(Mathews). Goodman Brown trying to resist to the devil never really pushed away from the dark side on the contrary it kept pushing him more into the devils

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