
Gpa Test Scores

Decent Essays

Grades, GPA, and Test Scores Practical and theoretical values in using statistics to predicting academic success. Grades, test scores, and GPA are used as criterion across all grades and ages for predicting success. These statistics are used to allocate resources to education. High school grades, GPA, ACT scores, SAT scores, and essays are the criterion needed from universities to evaluate whether the student is a good candidate. These factors alone determine the acceptance into a college. Administrators think these scores are efficient enough to decide whether the student will attend and whether the student will achieve success as a college student. The process of getting into a university or obtaining a higher education degree is a high stakes situation. The reliability and validity of using GPA and grades can be questioned. Grade inflation is not considered when making these high stakes decisions. Grade inflation is high grades given for the same performance at different levels of study or at different time periods (Poropat, 2009; Trapmann et al., 2007). An A Becky earned in English in California is the equivalent of the A Susan earned in English in a small-town school in …show more content…

Their research specifically examines the correlation of personality and SAT scores and other standards of academic achievement and aptitude. SAT is one of the most used standardized test used for the central role of college admission at most universities. Although researchers have stated personality and intelligence are conceptually distinct. More research needs to be done to clearly affirm that statement. Noftle and Robins (2007) found that other research that supports the correlation of personality and academic achievement, conscientiousness appeared to be the key predictor of college grades. While the other four traits were not significantly correlated, although openness had positive effects in a few

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