
Graduation Speech : Education And Education

Decent Essays

Everyone is entitled to have the opportunities to succeed in their education, however, not everyone has the privilege to receive a great education from the start. Due to the factors that might interfere or hinder education, such as economic and geographic matters, many programs have been developed in order to help students with their journey throughout college and high school. The Puente Project is one of the many programs that has been around for three decades assisting underrepresented students to further their education. The program believes in the potential of their students, especially when given the right tools and opportunities to achieve academic success.
The project began in 1981 at Chabot College in Hayward, California, by …show more content…

I knew I was in the right place because I met two particular students that I wanted to interview for my paper. Maria Fernandez now a current third year at UCR studying business administration, had attended Merritt College in Oakland, where she was informed about the Puente Program. "I only had one year living in the United States, so for me [a] support system was great because I did not have one." Maria was sitting down across from me with her laptop open and math notes out in a study group room at Rivera Library. She was more than happy to be interviewed because she knows how important the program is for students. Maria was able to make friends through the program, "they were my only friends at the community college since I only had a while in the states." When asked if the program helped her become who she is now Maria immediately responded, " helped me with my leadership skills." The program guides students and teaches them about getting into a four year university. Maria believes, "that is really important for us Latinos that do not really know about the system" to be able to move forward in their careers.
Yvette Salazar, fourth year mechanical engineer major at UCR, attended Riverside Community College and joined the program her second year there after learning about it in the club. I met up with Yvette by the bell tower and we sat down on a bench. "It was a lot more than I

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