
Graduation Speech : High School

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In the beginning of 8th grade we were asked to write a letter to ourselves explaining how our year was going so far. You were to write the letter, place it in an envelope and open it on the last day of school. Although it was a mandatory assignment, I enjoyed reading my opinions from the first couple days of school and I thought I would write one again. This week I completed my first week of high school, and I thought I would share my POV so that I could later look back on this and see how a “naive” freshman saw things.

Going into high school I was neither nervous or scared. I admit, maybe I was a little anxious considering the jail of a middle school I was soon to be graduating from. I mean any high school was better than that. As …show more content…

We all stared at each other confused after she would ask us a complex question. It was very hard and now it is friday and I still haven 't adjusted to this dramatic change compared to last year. After French, I head upstairs to math. Math is SO easy so far it’s insane. My teacher is really sweet though and is really nice towards her students. Next, I go to Mrs. Stanford’s room (which is my english class). English is one of my favorite classes this year. The teacher makes funny, relatable comments and I really look forward to going to her class. She gives us just the right amount of freedom and lets us do for the most part what we want. I just hope that grammar isn 't too challenging this year considering its always been one of my weaknesses.

By this point in the day I’m usually starving because its so late in the day and I have last lunch :( The class that Im now in is American Civics. My teacher is Mr. Knoblauch and he is really nice. Brianna and Jackie are in my class and Im glad I have at least one class with Jackie. After Social studies, I have science. Mrs. Fuss is nice but her class so far is really boring. All we have done so far is the scientific method and scientific notation. I hope her class gets a little more exciting as the year goes on.

Then, I head to lunch which obviously is the best part of the day duh!!!!! Lol just kidding. On the first

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