
Graduation Speech : High School And College

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Nowadays, teenagers and young adults are graduating high school and college and are unable to find jobs. A lot of them lack the basic skills needed to survive during adulthood. Institutions exist mainly to educate people on what they need to maintain a somewhat decent lifestyle. Students have been forced to take classes on a variety of subjects throughout high school, most of which have nothing to do with what they need to prepare them for life after education. Even in college, a majority of students do not know what career field they would like to enter, so when they graduate it is hard for them to get a job anywhere. Institutions are not arming students with the proper information needed to excel after education. So, new classes should be created and required for students to pass before graduating. They will be based on basic skills such as money management, customer service skills, and credit understanding. A proposal to the Southern Maryland Higher Education Board of Directors would suffice. They have the authority and means to make change and add classes that can cover these important basic skills. Not only can they be beneficial for the students, but these classes will create jobs for adults. The classes may allow students to go off campus and learn material on a job site. Also, potentially include connections to business owners which may eventually lead to future internships. More importantly, students can gain experience needed to survive in the workplace and being

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