
Graduation Speech : High School Essay

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When I was in high school I had one goal, I would graduate top of my class and go to the University of Florida for pre-medicine, then onto their medical school. I never considered that I would want anything else, so I went to a specialty high school that would allow me to specialize in Biomedical sciences(STEM) and never even thought about the possibility of a life other than the one I had so precisely planned out for myself. When my nephews were born my sophomore year all of my priorities changed. I cared more about hearing their first words than attending my BioMed classes, and more about going to mommy and me days, than spending a day in the clinic working on beat up football players. I became so entranced with their little growing personalities that I shoved my goals to a back burner. By the time graduation rolled around I wasn 't failing by any means but my dreams of being valedictorian were long gone, and I felt like I needed to find a whole new life plan instead of trying to get back to the old one. I went to a college close enough that I could live at home and figure out what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. My goals in my first year of college were to take classes in a variety of topics and see where I felt the connection that I was so desperately lacking. I took a psychology class and a Solo violin intensive which both reinforced what I already knew, that I love psychology and music but neither of them are something I want to do for the rest of my life.

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