
Graduation Speech : My Class Our Teacher, Mrs. Joan Henry

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In my Comp II class our teacher, Mrs. Joan Henry, assigned us a writing assignment. She split us into six different groups and had us each interview the different members of our group. I sput into a group number four which consisted of myself, Reagon, Tessa, and Courtney. We discussed various aspects of our lives, including what were our hobbies, goals, and accomplishments. The first person whom I interviewed was Reagon. Reagon is a 18 year old female. We discussed her hobbies, accomplishments, and her goals. Reagon’s favorite things to do are both scholastic and with her friends. For fun Reagon enjoys working on her academics and also playing sports. Her favorite sport is basketball. She also enjoys spending time with her friends. Some of the things they do together include binge watching Netflix and shopping. When she is shopping, she often enjoys going to Chick-fil-a and eating chicken nuggets. When Reagon was in high school, she received an award for playing basketball. She was a starter on the team and became very successful at it. She also graduated from her high school which is a large accomplishment. She’s managed to now have bought her own car. She owns a Nissan Altima Coup. And through her schooling and extremely busy life she has managed to maintain in close relationship with her friends. Reagon hopes to finish this semester at NPCC with a 3.0 or higher GPA. She then wants to transfer to Henderson in downtown Hot Springs. During this time, she would like to have

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