
Grape Shooting Research Paper

Decent Essays

There are far too many who have ineffective variations of self defense, and are vulnerable to any form of attack. Many people have never tried the sophisticated art of grape shooting, but this is really an effective way of defense as well a brand-new, modern, and refined sport. Grape shooting is simply blasting grapes out of your mouth in order to stun attackers or even to make your friends laugh. As well as being a great way to protect oneself, being a grape cannon is very fun and is a wonderful way to enjoy long summer afternoons.

In the beginning, for one to be a successful grape cannon, preparing the mouth is a key point in more perfect and accurate grape shooting. First, take some plump green grapes, which are good tight mouth-stretching material that will give a wonderful amount of elasticity and tension. These green grapes will help give a further shot. Next, one at a time, put the grapes into the mouth. Do not chew or swallow the grapes, and try not to choke and die because it is not healthy for one to do so. One must keep stuffing until no more can fit. After a while, the grape cannon’s face will have a ballooned, lumpy look when complete. …show more content…

Then, is best for the grape cannon to form the lips in an “o” shape, because this will help one let the grapes out more accurately after the shooter blows them out. Although one can still breathe in through the mouth, it is best for the grape blaster to inhale and exhale through the nose so the grapes do not fall out. Afterwards, the grape shooter must a deep breathe and prepare for

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