
Grapes Of Wrath By John Steinbeck

Decent Essays

Over the course of a student’s life under the American education system, they will, without fail, read at least two books by California writer and possible communist, John Steinbeck. The longer, sadder and more proletarian book, Grapes of Wrath, tells the tale of the great migration of Midwestern farmers traveling to California during the 1930s. Grapes of Wrath was not Steinbeck’s first venture into the tragedies that faced migrant farmers once they reached California- he had previously written Starvation Under the Orange Trees in 1938. Steinbeck uses these two works to describe the atrocities that migrants’ faces and place blame on land owners and corporations and declaring the government the saviors of the workers. Opposing Steinbeck’s arguments is Keith Windschuttle, who uses his article, Myth of the Oakies, to claim that Steinbeck is over exaggerating nearly everything in Grapes of Wrath, from the amount of migrants that moved to California to the reality that faced the migrants in California, and that Grapes of Wrath is actually a novel praising communism. Steinbeck argues that landowners and corporations are the reason behind the hardships that the migrants face in California. “The more fellas he can get, an’ the hungrier, less he’s gonna pay” (190). The speaker in the quote is returning from California and is blaming the wages, which are lowered by the large land owners greedy for money, for the deaths of his children and wife. An intercalary chapter explains how the

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