
Great Injustices In Ancient Egypt

Decent Essays

Did you know that the language Egyptians made was called Hieroglyphs. Well,In ancient Egypt their language was made of pictures not letters like how it is now. Great achievements are not worth great injustices because they wouldn’t get treated correctly, they would be tired and lastly they had to do things for the pharaohs which also caused them to be hungry and dirty . According to what I said that Egyptians don’t get treated correctly.I know that it wasn’t fair because if only they would do something wrong “woop” they get hit.In the text it states that “ I shall describe you the bricklayer his kidneys are painful when he must be outside in the wind he lays bricks without a garment.”I know I am correct because the pyramidwas split into different type of places at the very tip of the pyramid was the pharaoh below the pharaoh was the goverment officials below them were the priests below the priests were the scribes below them were the artisans and the very bottom were the peasants and the pharaoh liked them where they have to be but what is not fair is that it had to be all perfect which is not …show more content…

In the text is states that “His strength has vanished through fatigue and stiffness kneading all his excrement.”He eats bread with his fingers, although he washes himself, but once a day.”This proves that great achievements were not worth great injustices, but also because the Egyptians would get really tired from doing all the work for the Pharaoh. The third reason why achievements are not worth great injustices is because Egyptians were hungry and dirty. In the text it states “he eats bread with his fingers although he washes himself but once a day.” This proves I am correct because the bricklayer worked as hard as he could and also the whole time he would work I bet he was hungry because if you think about it you would be feeling how he is

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