
Greek Art Period and Comparison of Kroisos from, Anavysos Greece, and Doryphorus from Pompeii, Italy

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Greek art took many ideas from Egypt and Mesopotamia however as the years passed they started to develop and create their own unique style. This style was more realistic and natural visually. One of their goals was for the viewer to believe they are seeing a moment standing still in time. You can see this when you compare Kroisos from, Anavysos Greece, and Doryphorus from Pompeii, Italy. These pieces are roughly dated 80 years apart however the difference between the two-forms are so remarkable. This paper will be discussing and addressing the evolution of a more naturalistic art form, from the statue of Kroisos compared to the statue of Doryphorus during the Greek art period. At a first glance of the statues you may not see the dramatic differences between the two however they were both approached in different ways to be created. They have different meanings yet both were created to be more naturalistic than what came before it. In Anavysos, Greece a statue of a Kouros was discovered dedicated to Kroisos. Kouros statues were male figures also known as “youths” that were erected on graves as a gift for the gods and as a marker for these graves. None of the statues were identical however you could see that the all had the same base image to be formed from. This particular one was in honor of Kroisos who died a very noble death in battle in the front lines so his family erected this statue. This piece is dated circa 530BCE and is 6’ 4” high carved from marble. This

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