
Greek Goddesses And Independance Research Paper

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Goddesses and Independance The Greek goddess have a large range of personalities that do not necessarily reflect the norms for Greek women at that time. I had never considered comparing the average Greek woman to a Greek goddess before, and I found it very interesting. Goddesses were such an important part of Greek life, yet their influence on the independence of women seemed to be very little. Ancient Greek life revolved around goddesses so much so that the capital, Athens, was named after Athena and was home to the ancient world wonder, the Parthenon, in her honor. Aphrodite in the Homeric Hymn of Aphrodite is shown to have a lot of power over both mankind and the male gods. Aphrodite’s power over sexual desire is so influential that …show more content…

This vast difference in independance is what surprises me about Greek mythology. Why have these independant female characters in the first place when the women of the time were nowhere near that level of power? One would think these powerful figures would encourage women to demand more freedoms and independence. Athena is depicted as a “highly androgynous figure, who involves herself in both masculine and feminine activities.” (Blundell, 26) She is often depicted with her helmet, spear, and shield, yet one would never see a woman in Ancient Greece wearing this and then demanding to join the war effort. The woman’s place was at home in the Greek world at that time. Then there is Aphrodite who is so beautiful that she causes Anchises to be “overcome with desire” and convinces him to marry her. (MacLachlan, 8) This would be considered uncommon since most marriages in Ancient Greece were arranged and often set up by the girl’s father and her future husband. Maybe a mistress or prostitute could have a go at seducing a man, but only for sexual pleasure, marriage was an issue concerning men. The virgin goddesses - Athena, Artemis, and Hestia - were looked up to has very helpful goddesses, yet human women who took on lifelong virginity were looked down on. Hera and Demeter, who are sexually active goddesses, were seen as hostile most of the time, which led to the

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