
Greek Mythology: Zeus And Other Greek Gods

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Khoa Nguyen
Zeus and Other Greek Gods

Hurling lightning bolts from Mount Olympus, the God Zeus (pronounced zoose or zyoose) was a massive part of Greek Mythology over the years. Zeus has been featured in many series, namely the Percy Jackson Series, and has been featured in many mainstream movies. Who were the greek gods? What significance did they have in greece life? Well, they were quite important people. And they had quite an impact on greek life.
Born the last child of the Titans Rhea and Cronus and king of gods, god of the sky, weather, fate and law, he was, according to ‘Work and Days’ by Hesiod, and, a carefree god who enjoyed humour. He was said to be a insightful, fair man, but also unpredictable. He was, however, short tempered, and was the cause of many ferocious storms on Earth. Alongside Zeus were many other gods, say, Hades, and Athena, who popped out of his head. He rose from his empty, disconsolate childhood to be the book inspiring, character-rich Zeus.
The greeks were devout to their gods. They believed that the gods controlled nature and the path of their lives. In fact, stories of the gods and goddesses and their …show more content…

The main gods and goddesses were related to one another and lived, with the god Zeus as their king, on top of Mount Olympus, in Western Greece, as said by the book THE VISUAL DICTIONARY OF ANCIENT CIVILIZATION. An article on states,”The Greeks created gods like Athena, Ares, Hades, Poseidon and Hera to explain the world around them. They relied on the gods to explain natural phenomenon, provide authority to the ruling class and entertain the masses.” These resources proved that the gods were there much to explain every nook and cranny of the world -say, a bad storm were to transpire, they would blame it on Poseidon’s, the water god, rage. Likewise, this period of tranquility and peace only lasted for so

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