
Gregor's Boko Life Alternate Ending

Decent Essays

Gregor’s Boring Life
One morning, Gregor woke up with the day still too young to determine how it would go. He looked around his room. He first looked at the picture of the women on his wall in a fur cap and fur stole. “I’m extremely hungry this morning, I can not wait to eat,” he said to himself. Gregor loved milk and bread for breakfast. Grete greeted Gregor, “Good Morning, Gregor. Do you need anything else this morning?” Gregor thought to himself, “Yes, I need this debut paid off so I can finally leave my dump job.” but he simply replied with, “No, thank you for breakfast though. How does your violin playing go?” Grete would occasionally tell her brother of her dream to go to music school to to study her violin. “I work hard when I find

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