
Grey Events In History: The French And Indian War

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There have been many complexities in our history. Many of them have a positive side, and a negative side. However, some events in history are often grey. I will be analyzing 4 major grey events in history. Was it necessary for the British to wage war on the French? This was known as the French and Indian War that took place in 1754. The French had a majority of North America’s land. Therefore many of the native Indians sided with the French during the war.; thus, the war being named The French and Indian War. The British were victorious in the war. They gained all the land the French previously owned. However, they were left economically damaged. The cost of war was so much for the British to handle. According to an article on the effects of the war, it said the British victory on the war “meant a great expansion of British territorial claims in the New World. But the cost of the war had greatly enlarged Britain's debt.” Since the British’s debt was increased, they suggested that the colonists help pay. The grey area in this event is purpose of war. This War left them in great debt, and also caused the Americans to revolt in time. …show more content…

Since 4th of July is a huge holiday, celebrating the declaration of independence for 13 of the 16 British colonies on the North American continent. We got so much land from the revolution. According to an article “The British gave America all of the land between the Atlantic Ocean and the Mississippi River, from Canada to the north and Florida to the south.” The founding fathers are praised for their contributions to democracy, patriotism, and heroics during the American Revolution that started in 1775. They engaged in violent conflict without any good reason. It was said that they were fighting for freedom, economic liberty and democracy, but during the time blacks weren’t even considered as

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