
Grief And Loss Reflection Paper

Decent Essays

The client population I work with at CK McClatchy High School are teenagers whose ages range from 14 to 19. The Student Support Center where I work is an additional resource for students who seek emotional, social, behavioral, or academic support, so my role is to be available for any student who walks in or is referred by school staff or a parent. Although I was quick to understand the best ways of working with my population and I’ve grown comfortable working with teenagers in general, the aspect that I find challenging is working with teenagers who are grieving a death in their family or community. I believe that this is the area in which I need to grow in because I have never experienced grief in my family as intense as losing my mother, for example, which I think is a problem because I cannot apply my Use of Self. To better assist myself, in this paper I will analyze one peer-reviewed article and two books about teen grief and link a theoretical perspective that demonstrates thoughtful evidence-based practice. In their book titled Living Through Loss: Interventions Across the Life Span, Hooyman and Kramer (2010) provide useful information on adolescents that is crucial to understand their grieving patterns. The authors analyze grief and loss in every developmental stage of our lives, and go in depth into each stage. Hooyman and Kramer find the developmental considerations of adolescents crucial in understanding their grief. Essentially, taking into consideration that

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