
Grief Persuasive Speech

Decent Essays

Tyler brown

Dealing with grieving is something that all people will face in their lifetime, it's unavoidable. There's a lot more people grieving right now than you know, who knows, someone in your classroom might be going through grief. Grief is something that can change the way a person perceives life as they know it, though you might be having a good day, The quiet kid in the back of your class could be coming to terms that life isn't worth a whole lot because he lost a family member or close friend. I know it seems harsh, but it's the truth. There's a lot of different feelings that a person may experience when dealing with grief. Some people may curl up in a ball and cry, some people may fall into a deep and silent depression, and some people may not have too much of a bad time but still feel very down in the dumps. …show more content…

When they find out that someone they know and loved passed away the first thing that comes in there mind is that there is no possible way that it could be happening. In this stage, the world becomes meaningless and overwhelming. Life doesn't make sense and you may be in a state of shock. Then you feel hopeless wondering if you can go on. you try, and try to find a way to get through every day. Denial helps you to slow your feelings of grief. It's your brain's way of letting in only as much as you can handle. As you start to accept the reality of the loss, you are naturally starting the healing process. You might becoming stronger and the denial is beginning to fade and all the feelings you were denying start to sink

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