
Grillo Always Running Quotes

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Margarita Nila period.1 Always Running

In Luis J. Rodriguez’s novel, Always Running, there were many scenarios when Grillo’s character changes throughout the story. These changes include joining a gang, dropping out of high school and drug use. He hit rock bottom in his life by surrounding himself with the wrong people, causing traumatic situations to now seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.
Grillo changes his character throughout the novel in order to adapt to the difficult environment that he was living in which were having a difficult childhood, violent life as a gang member and then eventually living a stable life as a family man . At the beginning of the novel, Grillo and his family move to the U.S illegally with nothing. In chapter one, the quote “We never stopped crossing borders.. Rio Grande was the first of countless barriers set in our path” (pg.19) shows how much they have struggled just to come to the U.S and have a better life. As soon as they adjusted, it caused Grillo and his …show more content…

On chapter 9, page 222 the quote “I began Cal-State La in the fall of 1972, majoring in Broadcast Journalism and Chicano Studie” shows how Grillo decided to further his education by going to college. As he began to mature and was into school, he met Camila and had study sessions with her. Grillo fell in love with Camila until he got a letter saying that he got Terry pregnant. In chapter 9, page 222 Grillo did not want the child as explained in the quote, “ Here I was on the verge of changing my life, in college, with a book about to happen, working in my spare time..I did not want this child.” Grillos baby mother ran away causing him to believe whether she is pregnant or not so he moved on with his life. Grillo character during this point of time in his life was going good because he was never the type to do good in school but instead he was furthering his education at a

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