
Guatemala Mission Trip Essay

Decent Essays

First I want to apologize for this letter coming out so late; it has been a busy summer and also had some difficulties with losing my computer. I want to thank you guys so much for supporting me this summer as I went to Guatemala. You have no idea how much of an impact you made through your support! Something I learned in training before we went on the mission trip was that we may not see directly the impact we have on the people there, but we have planted a seed and maybe a couple years later they will sprout and become a follower of Christ. Through your support you helped plant that seed and I cannot thank you enough for helping alongside with me to further God’s Kingdom. Going to Guatemala a second time around was an amazing experience. I had the opportunity to connect with old friends and see the impact that was made from my first trip. This time we had Wifi in our hotel so we were able to update people through our Facebook blog what we did each day. (The link for this page is ). A little bit of the ministry that we did there was teach English to the kids at El Olam. El Olam is a Christian school that our contacts Pastora Jane Cordero and Pastor Oseas Cordero run in Jocatan, Guatemala. Each day for a full week we were able to teach English to grades Pre K - 8th Grade. …show more content…

Four out of five team members had some kind of stomach virus that caused us to feel weak every day and did not allow us to eat as much food as our bodies needed. Sadly, I was one of those team members. This illness did not weigh us down though. We were more excited than frustrated because we knew that the devil does not try to destroy your work unless it is great. Through this God taught me how to be content in every situation, good or bad. I learned to lean not on my own understandings, but to trust that God would make a way. This experience has changed my life and am looking forward to going back again! Thank you again for helping the people of

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