
Guilt In The Crucible

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With the mistakes of humanity come both guilt and sins. In the story “the crucible” written by Arthur Miller shows guilt can move people to make sacrifices. Guilt has the ability to drive people to make dire choices. Many characters like reverend John Hale, and Reverend Parris felt this guilty conscience, this remorse about what they had all done., especially John Proctor who throughout the story strives to exempt from his guilt and sins.

Reverend John Hale an overconfident straight lace man, was a scholar from Beverly. Hale comes to Salem on Reverend Parris' request to investigate supernatural causes for Betty Parris suspicious illness and instigates the rumors of witchcraft. Hale approaches the situation precisely and intellectual, believing that he can define the supernatural. Throughout the play he is in search of the devil, and believes that he will find Satan and get rid of him. John Hale's personality changes drastically toward the end of the story. He has changed from a very overconfident man in the beginning of the play to a doubtful man, at the end of the play. He is doubtful …show more content…

John lives in a house feeling empty and thinking his wife does not love him. Lust is a very powerful feeling and it tempts John right into bed with Abigail. He commits adultery and Elizabeth does not forgive him. John is repentful and guilty of the mistakes he has committed and put himself at risk of condemnation in the strict Puritan society. At the end of the play, John is faced with either confessing, and therefore sinning or to die a martyr. John says to Elizabeth "My honesty is broke, Elizabeth; I am no good man. Nothing's spoiled by giving them this lie that were not rotten long before." John is full of guilt and sick of the crooked court that he would rather die an honest man than live a lie of sin. John proctor shows how guilt can affect you in many ways and your

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