Gun Control: A Terrible Idea "A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed" (Right 1). This is what is written in the second amendment of the American constitution, which is part of the bill of rights. So how can the U.S. Federal Government decide to ignore the American constitutional right and decide they can take away the guns of American citizens? The Democratic party, founded by Andrew Jackson, has changed over the years. The ideals of this party originated as the party of the people since it protected the rights of ordinary Americans. In 2016, the party has changed completely because Democratic leaders such as President Barack Obama …show more content…
To start off, the United States Government should not inflict new gun control laws because Thomas Jefferson would not support this. According to Gary Lantz, ¨Jefferson made it clear during the debate over the proposed Virginia Constitution that as far as he was concerned, "No freeman shall ever be debarred the use of arms...." (Lantz 2). Thomas Jefferson believed that one cannot be a free man if one does not have the right to own a gun. If Thomas Jefferson, the founder of American democracy, believed that the American people have the right to bear arms, then the federal government shall not change his decision. Next, the United States Government should not inflict new gun control laws because the founding fathers would be ashamed of the government today for even considering taking away Americans’ guns. According to Gary Lantz, ¨Men like Madison, [George] Mason or Jefferson would not appreciate today's tendencies to replace personal responsibility with bureaucratic mandates. They would be ashamed of leaders who insist that police or professional soldiers are available for public protection. As Madison pointed out, it is also necessary sometimes for the private citizen to protect himself from the professional bearer of arms.¨ (Lantz 3). The founding fathers would not agree with some of the leaders’ stances on how to solve gun …show more content…
To start off, the left is wrong about gun control laws prevent school shootings because gun control laws will not dictate if the school shooter buys a gun. According to Steve Chapman, a columnist from the Chicago Tribune, ¨Fewer people currently believe that tighter gun control laws will address the root causes of school violence. In the past most school shooting incidents have been followed by calls for stronger gun control legislation. However, advocates for gun control have been much less vocal in the aftermath of recent school shootings. Many now understand that school shootings are extremely rare and that strict gun control laws do not prevent school shooters from obtaining guns¨ (Chapman 1). Gun control laws cannot control if a school shooter steals someone else’s gun or gets a gun from the mob. To prevent school shootings, the schools should hire security guards and have locked, secure doors with bulletproof windows instead of the federal government passing gun control laws. Additionally, the left is wrong about gun control laws reducing gun violence because statistics have proven that cities with more gun control laws tend to have more violence. Guns and Violence
Gun control should not exist at all in the United States. Mass shootings have almost become seen as normal event in the United States. What people do not understand is that gun control is not the answer; there are countries with little to no control that have fewer shootings. According to The Washington Post,Finland is ranked number 4 in countries with the most guns despite that they only had 24 homicides by firearm (“Gun homicides and ownership by countries” n.pag.) . In the article Did Gun Control Work In Australia “it is shown that gun control has reduced the problems but it still has not completely got rid of all firearm deaths”(Matthews n.pag.). The number of murders, homicides, or suicides do not go up due to people just owning more guns. Clayton Perry, a staff writer at the University of Maine, even points out “Stricter gun laws were in place during the Assault Weapons Ban between 1994 and 2004, but that didn't stop the shooters at Columbine in 1999 ”(Perry n. pag.). In Iceland, thirty out of a hundred people own a gun and they have zero homicides caused by guns a year(“Gun Homicides and ownership by country” n. pag.). In this day and age, everything is unpredictable, guns are a form of protection for everyone and there should not be restrictions on protection. The U.S. Department of Justice released a data brief that states, “ On average in 1987-92 about 83,000 crime victims per year used a firearm to defend themselves or their property”(Rand BJS Statistician n. pag.). The National Sheriffs Association released that the average police response time is at eighteen minutes while the average school shooting only last twelve minutes (“Embracing Technology To Decrease Response Time” n. pag.). Gun control should not exist because other countries do fine without it , high gun ownership has no link with increasing death rates , and guns are not harmful when instructions are followed.
Through the years there has been an ongoing discussion on the Second Amendment and how it should be clarified. The issues that are being discussed is whether the government have has the right to manage guns. There are possibly two sides to this Second Amendment debate, where one is the collective side, which that the right was given only for collective ambitions. The collective side is in more favor since it has stricter gun control laws, that being said the government feels that having stricter laws on guns would lower the number of crimes that are committed with guns which would help save thousands of lives. Meanwhile gun control laws may subtract the criminals’ access to purchase or obtain firearms, in addition, the same law would limit
Gun Control laws are violating Constitutional rights and stopping individuals from adequately protecting themselves, resulting in tyranny. The Second Amendment guarantees “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” The word infringed means actively break the terms of (a law, agreement, etc.). A synonym of infringed is restrict, which means put a limit on; keep under control. Thus in both a literal and figurative way, gun control is unconstitutional, and the Supreme Court ruled that states and the national government can’t deny people's constitutional rights.
The reason why the school shooting problem is a load of crap with the people that own guns is because the people who make these horrible choices have mental problems and could not get the correct help that they needed. Out of a recent survey from 61.5% of the school shooters have a substance abuse problem. 43.5 % of the shooters were victims of bullying. This concludes that many of the people that decided to do these horrible things like school shooting have had problems in the past that affected them mentally, and if they chose taking innocent students lives as a solution, they had a mental problem and did not get the correct help. Not every homeowner that has a gun in their house is going to go shoot up a school. Its also true that the police need guns to protect themselves. Police using these guns are using them as self protection. They do not just do a drive by on people or kill anyone without a reason. They are here to protect the people and the town so they need weapons on them to be able to protect every
The Second Amendment gives people the right to keep and bear arms. Some in the government wish to take this right away.
Banning the right to own a gun violates the second amendment which states that all people have equal the right to bear arms. Our founding fathers put that in writing to give the American people a sense of security in their own homes. The massive rise in the number of concealed weapons carriers in the U.S. is widely viewed by gun rights advocates as their natural expression and extension of the Second Amendment, as well as a necessity for survival in an ever growing troubled nation. In today’s American society, there are gangs, extremely violent people, drug addicts, and many more people that committing crimes for their own personal gain. We need to be able to protect ourselves against whatever aggression may come our way and taking away our
Many gun control activists argue that the reason of how youth obtain a gun to carry out their acts is partly due to the lack of properly securing the weapons by the gun owner, especially the parents. Child access prevention laws (CAP) requires gun owners to keep their weapons locked up and/or making the owner of the gun responsible if a youth gains access to the gun and harms someone with it. The National Rifle Association (NRA) also encourages gun owners to keep guns locked up when not in use. (Kleck, Mass Shootings in Schools, The worst Possible Case for Gun Control)
There are many rising controversy’s in America today, but gun control seems to come up often. The controversy comes from the belief that guns lead to violence and a rise in fatal accidents. Research shows otherwise in this aspect. Guns shouldn’t be banned all together they should just be regulated more effectively and prevented from being attained illegally. Gun control is a positive thing to an extent, but should not be used to prevent the correct people from obtaining a gun.
Gun control should be in law because it would make people mad because people love their guns. Gun control laws do not deter crime; criminals deter crime. Gun control should not be in law because the second amendment says it protects individual gun ownership. A level of violent crime has been going down over the years so how can guns be the problem. That is why guns should not be in law.
Some Americans feel that because guns are already regulated in so many other countries, America should just follow suit, while others believe guns both represent and help guarantee our independence, our liberty, and our freedom to make our own decisions. The founding fathers anticipated that gun control could become a serious issue in the future, so they added the Second Amendment to the Constitution. The Second Amendment states: “A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.“ Most gun control activists focus in isolation on the beginning of the amendment where the founders wrote that a well-regulated militia is necessary to the security of a free state. They then try to argue that only the military or the National Guard should have access to guns, not individuals. In so arguing, however, they completely ignore the last part of the Second Amendment, which provides that the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. The founders obviously envisioned that the people would keep and use firearms to protect themselves and their country. Unfortunately many politicians don’t see it that way. Yet, the Supreme Court has struck down firearm bans again and again. The 2008 Supreme Court case, District of Columbia vs. Heller,
“After a shooting spree, they always want to take the guns away from the people who didn 't do it. I sure as hell wouldn 't want to live in a society where the only people allowed guns are the police and the military.”
“A well-regulated Militia, being necessary for a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed (“The Constitution of the United States,” Amendment 2).” These fourteen straightforward words in the Bill of Rights have been a debate for most of our history. While criminals are loading up on combat weapons, why make it complicated just to own a handgun? The government needs to learn that taking guns away from citizens leave them vulnerable, gun control cannot stop murder or suicide and they cannot base their argument on a myth of less guns equal less crime.
The problem with guns in America has been an ongoing issue for many years. According to statistics from the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence, in 2010 alone there were about 31,076 deaths by gun and all were either homicides, suicides or unintentional shootings. 73,505 people were treated in the hospital for non fatal gunshot wounds in 2010 as well. Gun control laws are a benefit to America because they would help reduce gun deaths and other gun-related incidents all over the nation. Furthermore, they would reduce crime all over the country, for example armed robbery and assault with a gun, and homicide. Although it is believed that gun control laws will obstruct the right to self-defense or deny people a sense of safety, statistics show that guns are rarely used in self defense. Not only that, but the majority of adults including gun owners, support gun control such as background checks and bans on assault weapons (ProCon.Org). There have already been far too many innocent deaths in the past.
Investigating all ten of the amendments to the Bill of Rights, only the second specifically ensures that this be expected. The only true power that the people of a nation can have over their government is the ability to remove it if it becomes more powerful than the people. This is a belief that is continuously defended or confronted around the world and throughout history. Unfortunately, when the people have an army standing between them and the government, the means to fight become very important, albeit difficult. The federal government of the United States, when they attempt to create laws on gun control, does not have the law on their side. Thanks to the founding fathers of the United States, this right is ensured through time. They understood that any form of government can become corrupt and eventually the people will need a legal way to ensure that they can take back their personal liberties if it becomes necessary.
America believes there is a problem with gun control, a problem that we do know the correct course of action. With laws, NRA, and groups standing on both sides of gun control, we will never see the truth. Is a good guy with a gun the best way to stop a bad guy with a gun, or can we stop them with words? Would having teachers armed with a gun stop a student, or anyone from coming on school campus and open fire? Should Americans change the law on gun control? So many questions on gun control, but no one right answer.