An ever-popular topic in the United States has to be what to do about gun control laws. Firearms have been the leading cause of death since the beginning of the 20th century. In 2010, guns took the lives of over 31,000 Americans in homicides, suicides and unintentional shootings according to the U.S centers of disease. There should be new gun laws implemented into the United States constitution because Gun laws in today’s constitution give more access to illegal weapons, do not reduce crime rates and has become one of the highest societal cost associated with death and injury. The second amendment states that ‘ A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free states, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall …show more content…
The large availability guns allow unqualified people such as Minors and criminals access to weapons. The united states have the highest gun rate of ownership in the world. ‘ In the united states nearly 10 times more guns are in the civilians hands than in the next closest country, with up to 300 million guns in circulation, this is roughly one gun per adult”(Branas). Guns were cemented in the American culture since the creation of the second Amendment and Americans feel very strongly about their firearm. ' ' five out of six guns are purchased by felons these guns were obtained handguns from the second market and by theft” ( centers of disease). The majority of felons reported that it was easy to get firearms illegally and one-third of felons said they could obtain a gun in less than a week. ATF agent jay wactchtel says that most guns used in crimes are purchased from private owners or they are stolen. “Stolen guns account for 10 to 15 % of gun crimes.
Many studies have found that gun ownership correlates with crime. Gun laws do not deter crime gun ownership does. Gun ownership has doubled in the past century. Public health found that legal purchase of a handgun appears to be associated with long-lasting increased risk of violent death. Guns are now a problem more than ever because crime rates have risen. Numerous studies have found that gun ownership correlates with gun homicide. Homicide by gun is the most common homicide in the United States. In 2013,
Looking at the nightly news, many would believe violent crimes are at an all-time high. There is no longer just one on one violent crimes or gang violent crimes. There are court shootings, school shootings, church shootings, theater shootings, mall shootings, workplace shootings, and others. Most one on one crime is committed with an illegal gun; whereas most mass shootings are done with handguns that are purchased legally. Although, violent crimes reported on the nightly news is hard to hear or see. It has become very common to encounter this information on a daily basis. The numbers seem to be overwhelming; statistics share violent crimes are at an all-time low. While the numbers of crimes are decreasing, gun ownership
The study found that “states with the strictest gun control laws had lower rates of gun-related homicides and suicides.” Although this result cannot draw a causal relationship between gun control policies and homicides, it proves that legislative strength and firearm deaths and ownership are negatively correlated.
The Second Amendment to the Constitution upholds the right of the people to keep and bear arms. Throughout American history there have been many regulations placed on gun ownership, but they prove to be ineffective as almost anyone can obtain a gun through both legal and illegal methods. Many gun control legislations meant to regulate gun ownership have been stalled in Congress. Recent events in the past decade, such as the Las Vegas shooting in October 2017 and the Sandy Hook shooting in December 2012, seem to provide more than enough reason for stricter gun control laws in the United States, but there is not much progress being made to establish stricter laws as both sides of the debate cannot come to a fair compromise. If the United States were to adopt stricter gun control laws, there would be fewer mass shootings, a lower murder rate, and less violent crime. The United States should pursue new gun laws to create a safer environment for everyone.
It has become much more common in the United States to turn on the news and learn about yet another shooting. Typically, the violence involves the criminal acquiring a firearm that they should not have been permitted to have, and attacking someone defenseless- either because they could not access their weapon in time, or for another reason. The increased frequencies of such tragic events have made many Americans wonder how much tighter gun restrictions to be to prevent them from continuing. They also wonder how tight gun restrictions can be before they become unconstitutional, or even if the 2nd Amendment should continue to exist. The Amendment states that “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, and the right of people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
Gun Control in the United States has gone out of control. The United States should enforce laws to not allow any guns in a house hold in order to reduce violence and crime in the country. Reducing the rate of crime in the United States, controlling big weapons, taxing ammunition, and gun collection can help make this happen. Gun Control can make this country a safer environment to live in.
On March 24, 1998, firing from the woods overlooking their school, 13-year-old Andrew Golden and 11-year-old Mitchell Johnson shot and killed four middle school students and a teacher and injured ten other students in Jonesboro, Arkansas. The two boys had a semiautomatic M-1 carbine with a large ammunition magazine, two other rifles, seven handguns and more than 500 rounds of ammunition which they took from the home of one of the boy?s grandfather, who had a large arsenal of weapons left unsecured. Officers arrested the two boys as they ran through the wooded area near the school, and they were convicted on five counts of capital murder and ten counts of first-degree battery in September 1998.
According to a World Health Organization study done in 2010, the Unites States of America has the fourth highest firearm homicide rate in the world after Afghanistan, Iraq and the Congo. More recently, a study done in 2013 by the Center for Disease Control found out that there were a total of 33,169 deaths with the use of firearms and more than half were a result of suicide. These statistics have sparked an extensive amount of modern debates on whether we as an American democracy need to amend the second amendment and regulate the purchase of as well as the right to individually bear arms. Two people who analyze this debate very differently but effectively are Zack Beauchamp who wrote “Rethinking the Right to Bear Arm”, and Nelson Lund who
Guns have been used for many years throughout history. I’m here to prove that statement is false and in fact that more guns are proven to decrease crime rates, however it is the use of gun control laws passed by the federal government, and states that have seen an increase of gun related crimes. Throughout this essay, is will focus on reports, news articles, and academic studies written out by law professors on how gun control laws actually affect crime rates, if people feel safer with more guns, and how states of seen an increase or decrease in their crime rates with none of many gun control measures.
Imagine this: you are in World History class at your high school almost falling asleep learning about Ancient China. It is a normal day for you and your classmates, until you hear an announcement from the principal. You expect the typical lockdown drill, but this situation is far from typical. A man with a gun breaks into your school. BANG! Several of your classmates are killed before this man can be controlled. You survive, but live the rest of your life thinking back to that day and wonder if you could’ve done anything differently. What you should be asking yourself is how did this crazy man get a gun? Although this situation is hypothetical, it has occurred several times in the United States. This is due to the loose gun laws of the United States. The Second Amendment protects the right for all citizens to have guns to form militias and fight against a tyrannical government. While this was built into the original constitution, it is causing many unnecessary problems in the U.S. today. Also, this definition carries little weight with militias no longer existing today. The United States should reassess gun control laws, resulting in decreased gun violence, and ultimately saving countless innocent lives.
The second amendment gives people the right to own a firearm. The founding fathers might have thought a gun was the best form of protection but many years have past since then and humans have evolved. Times are different and society is different. Technology has a big impact on people and how we think and all those variables can affect people with how they react in stressful situations. We have to consider the mental stability of those in possession of the weapons, it is important to keep the weapon away from loved ones or other people, and is the law protecting those in possession of the weapons or putting lives in more danger.
Gun control has been a debated, revisited and revised issue for more than a century in the United States. Recently, after several mass shootings in the United States, gun violence issues are; yet again, renewed and in the forefront for the United States. This paper will consist of insight on gun violence in the United States and the newly imposed gun control policies by President Obama; along with, the arguments for and against the new policies and what roles both the formal and informal actors have played in the resolve of this; once again, disturbing issue.
Gun control has and will always be a highly debated topic in the United States. There have been several violent tragedies in the past like the ones at Sandy Hook Elementary School, San Bernardino, California and Aurora and Columbine, Colorado involving guns; making this topic an even more highly argued topic. A large segment of American citizens feel these incidents were a direct result of not having stricter gun laws in our country. Many are calling for our government to implement stricter gun laws to ensure that events like these never happen again. Both sides of the aisle are well represented on this topic. One side wants more restrictions on attaining and the use of guns. On the other side, many feel that stricter gun control laws are
Coming from a family that owns guns, the topic of gun ownership has become more pertinent than ever. From a young age, my grandfather instructed me on the proper care and usage of firearms. However, due to a death within the family years ago due to gun violence, the repercussions of the Second Amendment have become more palpable. Approximately 73% of the 16,459 homicides could have been avoided in 2016 solely if guns didn't exist, and 11,961 lives potentially saved according to data calculated from the Federal Bureau of Investigation dataset. Whether or not the people of the United States agree with more gun control, the choice of allowing guns to the public puts everyone at a potential risk of encountering a firearm related crime. The glaring need for improved gun control within the U.S. became apparent in the recent
Gun control has not been effective in the history of the United States. Even with laws that restrict gun ownership, it will not deter or prevent criminals from obtaining weapons or crimes from happening. Statistics can back up both sides of the gun control argument, but in reality simply having stricter gun laws does not stop crimes. Even with stringent gun laws criminals will find ways around them legally or illegally.
In the United States gun control is a big controversy that has been blown out of proportion the last few years. Anything that has to do with guns in the news, reporters say it is the guns fault. Gun control laws are being changed and morphed for the new society that we live in today. What gun control really means is a group of laws to control the selling and use of guns.(1). Statistics have proven that most people want more control on guns. Many surveys have shown that the benefits of gun control in the United States out way the negative effects. Many people do not know enough about guns to get in on the argument, whether gun control is beneficial to the American people or not.