
Gun Control Persuasive Essay

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Have you ever been walking late at night and worried because you know that your city allows guns? Guns have many downsides that create problems in different areas. The reasons for many murders come from guns. Guns are bad in most situations than good. We are in the twenty-first century where most people don’t need a gun. In this country the law has a big impact on what people buy and what they use. Guns need to be abolished from society because they are a danger to citizens, they increase stress for people walking around knowing that there are guns around them, and they decrease safety in areas that allow guns. The United States has more guns than any other country in the world. Most people want there to universal gun background checks, but it seems that the government cannot pass the bill. The most powerful political organization for guns is the National Rifle Association. The NRA has a shadow over politics in America. They fear banning assault-style weapons or even a federal database of gun purchases. So when there's an attempt to impose any new forms of gun control, the NRA rallies gun owners and other opponents of gun control to kill these bills. In the republican base when people don’t agree with the NRA, it’s a probability that there carriers are over. Although, several campaigns have tried to counteract the NRA, none have come close to capturing the hold that the organization has. Yet, the NRA's influence and its supporters push many American legislators,mostly republicans, away from gun control measures even though some countries passed these policies have seen a lot of success with them. According to UN data compiled by The Guardian, “The United states has nearly six times the gun homicide rate as Canada, more than seven times as Sweden, and nearly 16 times as Germany” (. The United States the highest number of privately owned guns in the world. High gun ownership rates cannot reduce gun deaths, but tend to increase in gun deaths. State laws is not enough. Since people can cross state lines to purchase guns, the weaker federal standards make it easy for someone to travel to a state with bad gun laws to obtain a firearm and ship it to another state. This is so common that the gun shipment

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