
Gun Control Persuasive Essay

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Dear members of the General Assembly, and whomever else it may concern,

I am writing you today in an effort to resolve an issue I am sure you are fully aware of. This issue is gun control, and I believe that the violence involving gun is getting out of hand. Whether it be one person or numerous people being shot, I think it all starts with the availability of guns in our nation. From 1966 to 2017, more than two-hundred eighty million guns have been manufactured in the U.S. In contrast, no other country has more than ninety-six million guns. This is befuddling because the United States makes up about 4.4 percent of the world population, but holds 42 percent of the firearms in the world. I understand that you want to be a powerhouse on …show more content…

As many as 14520 people have died from homicide this year, and 9934 of those deaths involve a gun. Whether these are by accident or on purpose, these numbers speak for themselves. And I know what you are saying to yourselves, “ it’s not the firearm that is the problem, it is the person.” Although this may be true, and factors like mental illness, depression, and the naturally violent nature of America play a part in these incidents. Most people, myself included, believe obtaining the gun is the first step of the problem as a whole. But like all other problems our nation has encountered, I think we as a whole could do more to do away with said issue. The first step, in my opinion, is establishing more regulations on guns. This is a good start since these incidents are so hard to manage, predict, and prevent.

I have a few recommendations that I hope you all consider in the near future. I believe these rules and regulations will not only limit crime but keep all legal gun owners content. First, fix the F.B.I’s background check system. By doing this you can prevent criminals and mentally ill people from purchasing weapons. Another step you all could take is evaluating all returning soldiers for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. If they show signs of said disorder, then they should be put into the system that would prevent them from owning or buying weapons. Third, the F.B.I should implement a department independently focused on preventing the importing and purchasing of

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