
Gun Control Pros And Cons

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Gun Control
Gun control has been debated quite a bit over the last couple of years due to recent domestic terrorist attacks. These attacks have caused political views on gun control to waver, regardless of our Second Amendment rights. Sociologist would see gun control as a way to divide our country by our belief. For example, a conservative would stand firm with their belief in the Second Amendment, where as a liberal would demolish those rights in an instant, if given the opportunity. The issue with gun control is that the government makes it more difficult for citizens to buy guns for protection, when criminals would just steal a legal gun and kill someone if necessary. So the main purpose of gun control is not to take all the guns away. …show more content…

Each gun related incident that occurs in the United States is recorded and factors in to the major decision of removing all guns from citizens. It has been estimated that economically, the cost of gun violence is on the border of $100,000 billion per year. In 2002, 71.1% of murders, 42% of robberies, and 19% of aggravated assaults committed in the United States, involved firearms. In 2001, nearly 30,000 Americans died as a direct result of gun fire. (Chemerinsk. 477-485.) These statistics factor into the limits and restrictions given to individuals of this country. Conditions of our right to bear arms should remain free enough for us to be able to protect ourselves from being overthrown by our government, but not without guidelines and regulations for us to follow in order to have those rights in a functional society. (Chemerinsk. …show more content…

They would first begin with looking at how certain regulations could benefit society. If a society has no rules against guns, there could potentially be far more gun crimes, this is a dysfunction. (Culley et. al. 2011.) Removing all rules would cause mass chaos in all aspects and would make normal life impossible to attain. So a functional society would need to create rules, but they must not make them too strict. (Culley et. al. 2011.) To create harsh conditions and punishments for their citizens, would make individuals resent their government and no longer respect the way they run their country. So, structural functionalists would want to create a society with some guidelines to protect individual rights, while keeping the people as safe as possible. One might say the task is impossible, but it is not if we look at the dysfunctions behind firearms, we can figure out how gun control can properly function in society. (Culley et. al.

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