
Gun Violence Debate

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The attention surrounding the misuse of guns and how people are using them to slaughter other innocent individuals is at an all time high. This specific issue needs to be put on hold. How can we as a society tell our children when they grow up that they need to start wearing bullet proof jackets under their clothes in order to protect them from harm. The National Government needs to look into our second amendment and realize that we are in an era where it only takes one man or woman to perpetrate a mass shooting. Many innocent lives have been lost due to religious belief and terrorism. Although there are little children playing with bazookas and Ak-47s the police or army is nowhere to be found that could control the issue at hand. “Recent survey …show more content…

Out of those 1,722 cases some of it were taped and put on social media showing officers firing their personal firearm at a suspect that wasn’t showing aggression. On September 28, 2016 a police officer in El Cajon, California, killed an unarmed African American while he was walking police officers shot at him because they believed he was gonna pull a gun from his pocket but he was actually taking out his wallet. This is just one of the many reasons why I believe police departments to re-train their officers so that restraint is practiced throughout the nation's police. Officers that are on duty they need to be extra careful and be mindful about what they do in public because the of the emergence of the social media and its power to change a person's life in a matter of seconds. The emergence of Instagram or Vine helped display videos that showed gun violence or an unlawful killing of a police officer or a citizen. The police shootings that have been reported in 2016 are awful and offensive to the …show more content…

“The Clinton administration has inexplicably linked gun control to its health-care reform efforts. Pres Clinton, his wife Hillary and their supporters argue that gun violence is one of the most significant inflators of health care costs”(Schneider 98). The Government needs to manufacture a new alternative on who can own a firearm to and test to see who is fit to own a gun and who is not. Many known criminals have been known to easily purchase a weapon at a gun store and then later they use it to commit a crime. The Gun Association needs to come up with a solution to clean this mess up. There needs to be stricter tests and a full on physical evaluation performed by a doctor in order to purchase a weapon. I think this will greatly help our crime rate and also decrease police killings and of course terrorism. The United States needs to be one of the safest nations in the world for guns but the system is not working to protect ourselves and it’s actually causing many issues that are plaguing our

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