
Gun Violence Essay

Decent Essays

In the African American community, 83 percent of homicides are due to gun violence. In black communities gun violence is commonly misunderstood as gang affiliation, which is false. Studies show over 50 percent of gun crimes committed were not related to a felony, but were due to some disagreement. The gun epidemic in predominantly black communities aren’t just disagreements, but race wars, police brutality, gang related, and even no reason at all.
Charleston Church Shooting On June 17, 2015 in Charleston, North Carolina, Dylann Roof walked into the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal church during bible study and proceeded to opened fire, taking the lives of 9 African American church members. Roof, with no regrets about the massacre he committed, believes he had no other choice than to take the lives of innocent men and women. Roof, who believed himself to be a white supremacist, designed his own logo with his initials, a swastika, and the number 88, an abbreviation for the Natzi salute.
Police Brutality Michael Brown, an unarmed eighteen-year-old teen , was shot to death by a Ferguson, Missouri police officer. Due to this unneeded assault protest breaks out in Ferguson during the candlelight vigil for Brown. Ferguson police officer, Darren Wilson, not walks free of any charges. On July 6, 2016, 32-year-old Philando Castile was shot and killed by Minnesota police officer Jeronimo Yanez after being pulled over at a traffic stop. Castile informs Yanez that he is armed and

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