
Guns And Gun Control

Satisfactory Essays

Guns are a powerful thing. Some people in the world are for guns, and some are against it. It's just an opinion, whether we think guns should be banned or not. Now guns are dangerous, they can kill with just a pull of a trigger, without hesitation, just quick. They can also save someone, self defence, what if someone came into your home while you were asleep, putting you and everyone in the house in danger, you pick up a gun and aim at the intruder, they leave. These are just both sides. People say it's the person behind the gun that caused the mess,not the weapon itself, but that doesn't mean you give them a chance to hurt people. I'm not saying that all people are bad, their are still some nice people, but guns are corrupt, evil, looking through the past and how badly it went, a gun was probably involved. I know that sometimes it really is the person not the weapon, but an evil person would have found a way anyway, giving them a gun is like security leaving during a bank robbery. Guns have corrupted the system, and yeah sure it makes a man feel powerful, a gun in his hand, hunting whatever, but that's just putting more into his ego. Don’t even try and say that i'm saying men aren't equal because that's a load of crap, literally everyone knows that men have big egos, it's a good but powerful thing really.
Guns should also be banned because, guns are a danger to children. People who hunt probably have a crap ton of guns, just layin around. What if a child walks up

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