
Guns Germs And Steel Summary

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As Professor Diamond walked along the side of the beach he came upon a politician named Yali who was preparing his people in New Guinea for self-government. Yali and Professor Diamond talked each about their jobs and soon Yali started quizzing Professor Diamond and asking him many questions but only one had really made Diamond think leaving him without an answer. “ Why is it that you white people developed so much cargo and brought it to New Guinea , but we black people had little much cargo of our own,” asked politician Yali. After thinking about the question for a while, Diamond saw that the true question was much more broad and universal than Yali's initial question. He reworded the question as follows: "Why did wealth and power become distributed as they now are rather than in some other way?” …show more content…

When a lot of people live in one place it makes it easier for empires, literacy, and steel weapons to develop. Literacy develops due to the demand of a government and records because of the dense population. The government would help control the large population and records would allow the government to do taxes. For farm production to thrive many people had to be getting food but not all would go, this would allow the people who didn't gather food to have time to become craftsmen. Some even learning to work with steel and iron in order to create weapons. Empires are created due to lots of people carrying germs from domesticated animals and from good weapons. Eurasia had lots of domesticated plants and animals allowing it to get agriculture first and create empires, literacy, and steel

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