
Gwinnett County Public Schools Case Study

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The principal needs to remember that his/her decisions will implement many consequences. This fictional school referenced contained many fights that year. Suspending both of them it risks continuing the pattern of disciplining the harmed. But when the bullied doesn’t get punished, it changes the rules moving forward. In the school system, all students should feel equal with no favoritism. “If I do it for you, I have to do it for everyone.” In all reality, nobody has to do the same thing for everyone because sometimes people are not able to. “Life is not fair and they’re concerned with what everyone is going to say (Gary Coxe).” Decisions shouldn’t be made due to how it affects everyone at the same time. Conditions aren’t the same and neither …show more content…

According to “Gwinnett County Public Schools: A Parent’s Guide to Discipline Hearings”, “Georgia state law affords the principal the authority to suspend a student for up to ten school days (pg.3)”. In this specific case, because of the no tolerance of fighting law, the children disobeyed guidelines severely. Therefore, if the principal wants to, they’re allowed to prevent them from coming back to school for the required amount of days appropriate to the offense. On the webpage, “Community Toolbox” (University of Kansas), it discusses all about change in school policies. . Policies should be solely improved “to protect staff and students from harm, to meet the needs of particular groups” and for the “improvement of classroom and school climate and culture”. Within the basic school hierarchy, the chain must be talked to about any sudden school adjustments and then anyone else who is affected in the system. After, the head of the certain school has to go through routine procedure but consider the factors of media attention, correct research, blurred lines and the possibility of being denied. If media attention is pursued, the community (fictional) could be tainted with the violence that occurred in school. Some will go the easier route, without examining the moral conflict, but the minority of leaders would sacrifice their time into making the school the safest environment possible for their

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