
HIV Research Paper

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Introduction The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) came about after an epidemic of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) surfaced in the 1980’s affecting the lives of gay men. It was first said to be gay related immune deficiency (GRID) (Baeten, 2012) and was sexually transmitted. This deadly disease has caused millions of deaths, but during its thirty plus years of existence; many breakthroughs have come about to make this a treatable disease. A few years later, cases of females being infected surfaced and it was believed that this disease was transmitted from heterosexual intercourse (Coates, 2014). Then there were cases of young children developing AIDS which was believed to be transmitted from an infected mother while carrying …show more content…

Literature Review This research will primarily show how precautionary measures such as; ART therapy and Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) therapy, and monogamy will allow a serodiscordant couple (one infected partner and one non-infected partner) to have normal sexual practices and lower infection rates to the uninfected person in this dual relationship. Researchers have found if the infected person in a serodiscordant relationship is following the prescribed regimen, then transmission of the disease is 96% less likely to be passed to the HIV negative partner (Quinn, 2010) In 2010, because of extensive clinical testing, a new therapy for HIV prevention was created. Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEp) is a prevention method that treats the uninfected partner with an orally administered antiretroviral medication. The Center for Disease Control supported the study, which was conducted in the United States and other countries with the hope being that this prevention strategy would lower infection rates. Studies conducted using the PrEp therapy in men having sex with men resulted in lower infection rates. (Gray RH, 2011). When the HIV negative partner in a homosexual serodiscordant relationship takes the PrEp each day, risk factors are lessened by 100% (Del Romero, 2010)). In heterosexual couples the stats were 12% lower, but it is unknown if medication was taken daily

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