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HN370 - Child & Family Welfare Unit 9 Essay Assignment September 2, 2014 2 Human services professionals are forerunners in the work to improve the lives of families and the child protection efforts in every community. They work diligently with many community professionals - including law enforcement officers, health care providers, mental health professionals, educators, legal and court system staff, and care providers- to support families in need and keep children from harm. Part of this work relies on the knowledge of resources available in the community and the services offered through many of the community professionals mentioned. Prior to this assignment, my common knowledge of intervention resources in the Austin, TX area was a …show more content…

Front Steps serves homeless populations in Austin, TX by providing case management and support, emergency shelter and transitional housing services and community education. The Austin Resource Center for the Homeless (ARCH) serves as the first point of entry in the local homeless social service system. The ARCH is designed to assess client needs, provide information about available services and meet basic emergency needs of homeless adults. It also provides sleeping areas, public showers and restrooms, laundry facilities, computer access, and kitchen/dining area that serves 100 meals each night to clients staying in the shelter. A number of colocated agencies make the ARCH a one-stop shop where clients can receive support for mental health, medical, legal, employment and other needs. The pros to the services offered through Front Steps are the convenience in having several needs met in one location. There are a few cons unfortunately though. In reviews and updates it was mentioned that there were long waiting lists for the services offered. Only men are accepted to sleep at the shelter in the evenings but Day sleep programs are offered for women and some men (based on individual assessment) and nothing was mentioned to address the needs of children. To access the ARCH or any 5 additional services offered through Front Steps, it was advised to call them directly at

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