
HS450 Unit 5 Assignment

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HS450: Unit 5 Assignment
Melissa Tillman
Kaplan University
September 12, 2017

1. Define the concept of an “integrated physician model?
According to Harrison (2016), “an integrated physician model is the result of a series of partnerships between hospitals and physicians developed over time.” The plan behind this model is to enhance joint efforts with medical specialists and associations. There are four strategies that need to be implemented for successful integration: “1) understand the forces affecting physicians; design strategic offerings to meet the needs of local physicians, 2) understand the hospital or health system’s specific capabilities and infrastructure in the context of the communities served, 3) ground physician-integration efforts on a well-defined strategic financial plan with sufficient resources and performance targets, and 4) ensure strong physician participation, leadership and governance.” (Cullen, S. J., Lambert III, M. J., & Pizzo, J. J. (2012)
Understanding the forces affecting physicians discusses the extreme struggles private practice physicians have obtained. The increase in malpractice insurance and benefit costs, horizontal or declining revenue, and the extreme requirements to obtain EHR are contributing factors. Private practice physicians have looked for ways to work with hospitals and other health organizations. There are three offerings that were designed to meet the needs of physicians: “independent physician programs, employed

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