How the novel “Looking for Alibrandi” presents the challenges and obstacles facing year 12 students in their final HSC year.
The Higher School Certificate is a locally, nationally and internationally recognised qualification for students who successfully complete secondary education in NSW. It is the final exam a student takes in his/her life at school. The mark that you get is called ATAR and depending on that mark, you will get into the university you want to get into, and by getting an ATAR you can get into any field you like, so long you get the ATAR you are require. For e.g. doctor, lawyer, engineer and etc
Looking for Alibrandi is a 1992 young adult book by Australian author Melina Marchetta. Seventeen year old Josephine Alibrandi is in her final year of an expensive private Catholic high school, preparing for the HSC (the Higher School Certificate, which is the state wide final school exams in NSW). She is a scholarship student, the daughter of Christina Alibrandi, a single mother who had a child at sixteen and was exiled from her Italian-Australian family until her father died, in the recent past from the novel’s point of view. It is a novel where, a teenage Australian girl deals with the traumas of everyday life. These include her difficult relationship with her single mother, the unexpected return of her long-lost father, the disapproving nuns at her strict Catholic school, the acceptance of her school mates, and romantic dilemmas
This novel is a suitable text for a stage 4 class as it addresses a relevant and multicultural issue that students are able to relate to. It is an Australian novel that addresses two cross-curriculum priorities that are set out by the New South Wales Board of Studies (2012):
Looking for Alibrandi is a true story focused on and about Josephine Alibrandi who finds many struggles of day to day life to fit in, it displays Josie in the novel to struggle with finding her own identity in society, it is her last year of school so it makes it even tougher. It’s set in Sydney’s eastern suburbs where there are many people who have cultural backgrounds, for Josie she’s of an Australian-Italian decent. Josie’s father never knew his daughter, she always dreamt of what he’d be like. She got a scholarship in an expensive private school to get a good education that she could barely afford and of course it was full of rich Australians who’s were snobs to what they called Wogs. Throughout this intriguing novel she learns to cope with cultural differences from everyone else and how her life changes. She wants to be free “I’ll run. Run for my life. To be free and think for myself. Not as an Australian and not as an Italian and
In western Australian author Tim Winton’s book, The Turning, the large collection of short stories are aimed towards teenagers and other people who have been teenagers. This is so, because each story uses a similar theme to do with finishing high school, how people decide what they want to do for the rest of their lives and the character’s journeys along the way.
The movie ‘Looking for Alibrandi’ tells a story about a young girl Josephine Alibrandi struggles into adulthood in her final year of high school. In the movie, Josie develops complicated relationships with different people, among them all, her relationships with her father Michael, her Nonna Katia and her boyfriend Jacob are which influence her most.
In the story an example of Melinda Sordino, the main character goes through an unfortunate crisis. She is going into her freshmen year of high school and because of one thing that happened she lost what every girl needs in high school,
Epilogue The time has come. The last day of school has arrived. 4 years of uncertainty and uneasiness.
Looking for Alibrandi by Melina Marchetta is about a 17 year old young girl called Josephine “Josie” Alibrandi who is in her final year of school at a wealthy Catholic school. Josie is Italian and Illegitimate, throughout the novel she finds faces some challenges such as finding out most of her family secrets and her father coming back into her life. Looking for Alibrandi deals with many themes such as family and relationships, secret and lies and emancipation. These themes are expressed through the use of literary techniques such as first person narration, dialogue and characterisation.
It is a very obvious fact that some students decide to drop out. But many people think it’s because they’re not doing their work, although that is the partial reason they don’t know when this starts. Freshmen year is essential in deciding whether a student drops out or stays in school to graduate. In this Essay I will be giving some examples of why Ninth Grade is the most important year of High School and how it will affect their future
The faculty feel that this criterion is met and will continue to be met in the future. The HSCI department maintain a strong commitment to diversity at all levels of faculty, staff, administrators, and students. Faculty participate in policy making through their participation in department, college, and university committees. For instance, policy setting is a shared responsibility amongst faculty in the department. Furthermore, another strength is the involvement of MPH program students and their key role in evaluating the ongoing process of the program. For instance, MPH students evaluate faculty members teaching in the program, which is reviewed by the department chair.
Melina Marchetta's "looking for Alibrandi" is a story which resembles change internally and externally. In her final school year, Josephine Alibrandi is confused and angry. She is continuously confronted by issues that question who she is as her true sense of identity is clouded. In the beginning, Josie's attitude to the world is negative as she feels burdened by her Italian ancestry, her social status and the fact that she is illegitimate. She sees these factors as great obstacles in her life that make her an
Looking for Alibrandi by Melina Machetta is about a seventeen year old girl named Josephine “Josie” Alibrandi who was raised without a father. Josie believed that her mother was the only person she needed in her life, until she came face to face with her father Michael Andretti and fell in love with Jacob Coote. Melina Marchetta uses the literary techniques of first person narration, dialogue and characterisation to explore the idea of Josie struggling to find her identity.
The novel looking for alibrandi by Melena Marchetta is about Josephine Alibrandi, a catholic girl, in her final year of high school. As the year progresses Josie alters her perspective on many issues including family, the importance of social standing and wealth, own identity and culture. All these changes in perspective from different events in her final year has brought change to Josie.
A current drama that pushes fact’s edges and holds the harsh truth of today’s youth. At an elite university, when the party of the year grades in the remorse of a lifetime, one person will stop at nothing to retrieve a future that is rapidly slipping away. In this brilliant and fascinating witty calamity about today’s millennials, it’s everyone for themselves.
Regardless of the financial costs of education, statistics show in the years from 1983 to 1996 numbers of students in tertiary education doubled and retention rates within secondary schooling reached new heights, rising from 40.6% in 1983 to 71.3% in 1996 (Jamrozik, 2009), clearly placing education as a high value within the Australian society and becoming a lifetime pursuit for many people. However historically, the changes that have occurred over the years, have reinforced Australia’s problem with social inequalities within the education system.