
Habermas’ Between Facts and Norms: Legitimizing Power? Essay

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Habermas’ Between Facts and Norms: Legitimizing Power?

ABSTRACT: To overcome the gap between norms and facts, Habermas appeals to the medium of law which gives legitimacy to the political order and provides it with its binding force. Legitimate law-making itself is generated through a procedure of public opinion and will-formation that produces communicative power. Communicative power, in turn, influences the process of social institutionalization. I will argue that the revised notion of power as a positive influence that is produced in communicative space runs contrary to Habermas’ original concept of power in his theory of communicative action where power is understood as a coercive force that has to be avoided in order for the …show more content…

As such, I believe that the introduction of communicative power and its close tie to "legitimate law" and political system greatly reduces our critical ability in respect to political systems as exercised in liberal-democratic states. In addition, I will argue that this revision alludes to a redrawing of the boundaries between the life-world and the system in favour of the latter, and consequently indicates a shift to the right in Habermas’ latest work.

The treatment of the role and meaning of the concept of "power" within the theory of Jurgen Habermas, as it was elaborated in the two volumes of The Theory of Communicative action and later in Moral Consciousness and Communicative Action,(1) has undergone some significant changes in his latest work: Between Facts and Norms.(2) In this new book he introduces the term Communicative power which has to be seen in the context of his ambitious project of theorizing deliberative democracy, or, in his words "government by law". (BFN, p.132) According to the advocates of deliberative democracy, citizens’ participation in the democratic process has a rational character. Deliberative democracy explains the process of opinion and will-formation as a public discursive activity where citizens are engaged in argumentation that is aimed at promoting the more generalizable interests by the force of a better argument. View in this light,

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