
Benjamin Barber And Joseph Schumpeter

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The general understanding of democracy is that it is a state of leadership where citizens of a country participate equally either directly or by representative individuals in the establishment of laws, which run the society. However, like many other forms of leadership, democracy has its cons and may not give the citizens the necessary freedoms that they think they have. Different philosophers have different insights on democracy in terms of concepts such as liberty, which they embraced. This paper will look at Benjamin Barber and Joseph Schumpeter’s idea of democracy contrasting their definition in terms of citizenship, obligation, rights and duties of each individual in the society declaring whose idea of democracy creates a compelling vision (Terchek & Conte, 2001).
Benjamin Barber classifies democracy into two, the classic democracy, which he calls “Thin” democracy, and the strong democracy. Thin democracy is where representatives are chosen by the individual citizen to go make the law. He terms this as individualistic and from this perspective the citizen does not get to participate actively in the making of laws which run his or her society. However, strong democracy is where citizens govern themselves to a certain degree without selecting individuals and bombarding them with responsibilities and obligations. It requires individuals to embrace politics as citizenship and make it a part of their life as if it was like parenting, which makes citizens an

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