
Hair Additions

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How we now see Hair Additions
With the benefits of technology, we now have a wide selection of wigs and hair addition to let our creative minds wonder about all the way we can style and maintain these additions. There are many lengths, styles, colours and textures of hair additions you could buy/rent. Wigs are also very cheap compared to their ancestors and new-age technology has allowed us to create wigs that are weaved to create an ultra-light and hyper- ventilated wigs. The finish of the hair additions all depends on how you maintain the hair e.g. heat damage whilst styling or styling /finishing products. The finish is also dependant on the material; we typically see human hair additions or synthetic additions being used as animal hair/plant fibres is no longer seen as necessary to use and there is no real demand for these anyway. …show more content…

For example: high styling versatility, realistic texture, long shelf like, natural look. People state that these pro over way the various cons of these wigs like cost, high maintenance, hair can still change from alpha to beta when exposed to humidity and weight being a few of them. Many people look down on synthetic wigs however these people are misinformed as a high quality synthetic wig can look very natural and appealing. Synthetic hair is easily taken care of due to their quality of style retention meaning they never have to be styled and unlike human hair the hair will never change form. These wigs are also very cheap and low maintenance. To maintain a synthetic wig you would wash, dry and then shake the wig out. The cons of a synthetic wig would be if one brought/rented a cheap wig this wig could have a unnatural shine, with daily wear they don’t last long (4-6 months) , they cannot be treated with heat unless you look to get a heat friendly synthetic wigs and finally you can’t not dye the hair at

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