
Brazilian Hair Research Paper

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Our Afro Curl Brazilian Hair is 100% Virgin Brazilian hair and is one of our most demanded textures of Brazilian hair in our collection. We only offer high quality hair extensions. This consideration,increases the ensurances of making our customers look their best and feel amazing in the process. We have some of the best quality Afro Curl Brazilian Hair on the market that is soft, full bodied and thick that can blend with most ethnicities from Caucasian to African American. You will not be disappointed with out brazilian hair extension, you will feel amazing and look amazing as well.

What is Afro Curl Brazilian Hair
Let's talk soft, full body, thick, exotic Virgin Remy black or dark brown colored hair ,that achieves the Afro curl style that many people seek, but with brazilian quality. These extensions are created from the best hair from some of the most beautiful brazilian women in the world of various ethnicities and treated to combine afro style hair with brazilian for supreme quality and style of the two cultures. …show more content…

The density of the hair makes it less prone to frizzing and allows the curls to last longer. The hair is naturally shiny, which is what many women love it and it makes them look more stylish, beautiful and happier!

How do you install them?
If you do not get them installed by a weave shop, the following steps will help you with installing them yourself:
First, Make sure to have enough hair to have a full look, that's important for the full effect. Depending on the length of the extension you're using, you'll need enough bundles to create destined look.
10 - 14 inches - 2 bundles
16 - 22 inches - 3 bundles and
24 - 30 inches - 4

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