
Hamlet Life After Death Essay

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What is Death and Life After Death?
William Shakespeare’s longest play Hamlet, contains many complex concepts and ideas. A main concept that is present through the entire play is the idea of Death. With so many of the characters dying in the play it is impossible to avoid it, but the most interesting development in what death is comes through the main character Hamlet. Hamlet starts the play with one idea of what death is and what will happen after death and how it will affect him. Throughout the play his vision of what death is changes and continues to change until his last breath where he reveals his final thoughts on death.
During the course of the play, death is a constant concept furthermore is the thought of what awaits a person after …show more content…

This monologue also reflects Hamlet’s own inner desires. He is not just questioning dead for mankind in general but for himself. His previous opinion was that killing yourself is bad because it is not permitted by god and therefore it is a sin. This idea prevented him from killing himself and joining his father. Now that he is weighed down with many problems and struggles such as his father’s death he is again thinking of if he can kill himself and then be freed of all of the troubles that are currently bothering him and making his life so difficult at the moment. By this point in time Hamlet has thrown away the idea that dying is bad because god says it is instead he starts to believe that it is much easier to just rid yourself of all of the troubles that life gives you then power through them. In Samuel West’s version of Hamlet he says “I’m sure plenty of people doubted the existence of God as much in 1600 as they did in 2001- certainly Hamlet himself, it seems to me, would do so”(West,42/43). This supports the idea that while at the beginning of the play Hamlet says the reason why he cannot kill himself is because god forbids it and now he thinks otherwise and does not consult religion at all. Hamlet is assuming that through the act of killing yourself or getting killed a person will be freed of all of their misfortunes that they have encountered during their

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