
Hamlet Unfairly Punished Essay

Satisfactory Essays

In William Shakespeare's Hamlet characters are victimized due to the circumstances at hand and how these circumstances play out in the end. Due to how these events play out different characters are unfairly punished. Characters like Ophelia is one of these victims of unfortunate events. The character that is the most unfairly punished by the events in the play is Ophelia. The first unfair blow to Ophelia is when she is forced to break up with the love of her life, Hamlet, her brother Laertes and father Polonius aided in this. Her brother as well as, her father told Ophelia that Hamlet did not love her and all that he wanted from her was sex, they told her not to waste her time on him (I, iii, 4-52). It is not exactly clear why Polonius and Laertes decided to tell all of this to Ophelia, but due to the position and relationship Polonius has with The King it …show more content…

Ophelia goes insane and it is very unfair, this young lady who had a somewhat perfect life, have everything snatched away from her one by one. Who Ophelia once was is diminished to someone who cannot even hold a sane conversation that others can understand, she rambles on and on but it seems that no one can quite grasp what she means. It is speculated that she has gone mad due to how Hamlet broke up with her and how he father did not receive a christian as well as a combination of other events based on what she rambles about (IV,v, 20-47). Even with her peaceful and somewhat ditsy behavior, she had dark thoughts that became a reality, Ophelia ended up killing herself in the end of all of this (IV, viii, 159-180). Besides, how her loved ones treated her, Ophelia was a victim of the times. In the time period, females were considered property that brought forth the gift of life and obeyed what her husband requested, nothing more and nothing less. It was shameful for a female to be promiscuous

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