
Hammett-Sam Spade Task In The Maltese Falcon

Satisfactory Essays

In "The Maltese Falcon" - perhaps the best novel of Hammett - Sam Spade succumbing to the deceptive allure of the red-haired beauty Bridzhid O'Shaughnessy and took a seemingly mild case, but which can blacken his reputation. The first blow not late - his partner Miles Archer was killed while working on the investigation commissioned by Bridzhid. Spade cops accused of murder. The situation is complicated by the emergence of hardened crooks who pressed in an attempt to get to the notoriously expensive golden statuette depicting Maltese Falcon. Who owns it now? How far would come a man to get to her? Spade task is complicated by the motives of those involved, and the outcome could be icy ... uweuy7sf iioerjuh jhsdjhu fguuhduy aygyhayhgy ufhj on

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