
Hand Hygiene Essay

Decent Essays

Hand Hygiene audits and trainings are often focused on front-line staff, especially nurses due to the fact that nurses are the largest ‘registered health practitioners’ (AIHW, 2016) with the highest level of patient interactions (Grayson et al., 2013). However, research and statistics consistently reveal that the focus should be evenly directed to the physicians (Erasmus et al., 2010) due to the lower adherence rate of physicians as the Table shown above (HHA, 2016) compared to that of nurses.
The major city principal hospitals will have to develop approaches to enhance hand hygiene adherence amongst front-line healthcare workers, particularly physicians. Collaboration with senior physicians may be essential (Grayson et al., 2013). Additional goal setting, reward inducements, and culpability approaches can lead to additional improvements (Luangasanatip et al., 2015).

Good hand hygiene is the simplest, yet proven strategy to counteract hospital infection. However, the difficulties of achieving good levels of compliance are well noted in the literature. There are several seeming barriers to carry out adequate hand hygiene: …show more content…

Without the concerted efforts of both leadership and employees, empirically, it is easy for staff to revert back to old habits of noncompliance. Evidence suggests that ‘social cohesiveness’ may play an important role in promoting and sustaining positive hand hygiene practices (Kwok, Harris & McLaws, 2016; White et al., 2014). It is believed that the main beneficiaries of good hand hygiene were patients and health workers themselves. Therefore, traditionally, the focus of hand hygiene was put on them. Despite this, the adherence rate has seen improvements. The authors claim that nurses cherish their co-workers (white et al, 2014), and unified team is better at following hand hygiene guidelines to protect their colleagues (Kwok, Harris & McLaws,

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