
Handsomest Drowned Man In The World

Satisfactory Essays

“He looked at it quizzically. “This is what you stole, an encyclopedia?” I find this intriguing because most often kids will steal candy and toys but not often is an encyclopedia is the item to be stolen. It brings me back to the one and only thing i have ever stolen when I was eight years old- one of though pressed washcloths that expand in the water.

My Jockey-Lucia Berlin
“I soothed him just as I would a horse” this phrase is extremely mother like to calm someone in familiar ways that you are use to doing like with kids and animals. There are many therapies through caregiving.

A Man from Her Past- Lydia Davis
“But I am confusing an old reality with a new reality” I found this phrase interesting because I find that I have done that also in a sense that in the past I had a vision to what my life would be like and then something comes up and creates a plot twist and then the new reality hits. …show more content…

This is all about self esteem.

The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World-Gabriel Marquez
“Paint their house fronts gay colors to make Esteban’s memory eternal” many people celebrate the the long life lived by loved ones. The loss of someone we know can be difficult but this man was a symbol of hope for these people.

Possibilities-Wislawa Szyborska
“I prefer keeping in mind even the possibility that existence has its own reason for being.” This last phrase sums up the entire purpose for the poem. Everything has a reason for existence even if we may not know what is going

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