
Essay on Hans Selye´s General Adaptation Syndrome Model

Decent Essays

Hans Selye’s General Adaptation Syndrome Model was created by Hans Selye in 1936. The Hans Selye’s General Adaptation Model states that when a stressful event occurs, it acts as a stressor causing one’s body to react to it through three stages if it is not removed. The three stages are alarm stage, resistance stage and exhaustion stage.
One stressful event that I personally encountered which I will use to apply to the model is the time when I was representing my school at the National Track and Field Championships for the 800m event.
In the alarm stage, the body encounters a stressor. The stressor will cause the body to react with the fight or flight response.Next, the nervous system and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis will be …show more content…

The spleen in my body discharge more white and red blood cells to allow my blood cells to transport more oxygen.
As I feel the competitor getting closer to me, the fluids from my body are diverted from nonessential locations, including the mouth which results in dryness in my throat and difficulty in trying to talk. The stress can also cause spasms of the throat muscles, making it difficult for me to swallow my saliva. The stress causes blood in my skin to divert away from my skin to aid my muscle tissues and heart. The physical effects that I feel is a sweat , clammy, and cool skin.
Now, is the final stage, which is the exhaustion stage. In an instant, my body has reacted and was prepared to quicken my pace, build up my strides run even faster. I speed up and dash for the finishing line. The moment I pass the finishing line, I was relieved that my competitor did not manage to overtake me. My response starts to restore my homeostasis. The initial stress response burns out. At this stage, my energy has been drained out due to ongoing stress. There are differences in how a female and a male responds to stress. For females, it is usually a tend and befriend way of responding. For a male, it is usually a fight or flight respond. Firstly, i will talk about how men and women respond to stress. One example will be when confronted with a dangerous situation such as a robber, a man will either fight with the robber or flee the scene. For a

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