
Harriet Jacobs Research Paper

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In the early eighteenth century through the mid-nineteenth century slavery was arguably the most controversial topic in the newly formed United States. Testimonies such as those found in Common Sense, American Yawp, and Narrative of Sojourner Truth, are just some examples of the cruelty and harshness slaves endured. Many people of different races and social standings rose together in Christianity and spoke out against slavery in hopes to reform the new country. Those such as Harriet Jacobs, Charles G. Finney, David Walker, and Sojourner Truth’s testimonies and speeches still ring throughout history today. Harriet Jacobs was born into slavery. Her parents, both of mixed race, were salves as well; although her father was such a skilled carpenter he was able to buy his freedom but unfortunately not his families, Jacobs’ mother on the other hand died as a slave. In her testimony, she describes her younger years as a slave were happy and unaware that she was considered property. Jacobs shared the same treatment as her Mistress’ children until …show more content…

Finney, preached and stressed the importance of human action in the battle against slavery. Finney claimed that the “world is divided into two great parties;”5 one party being those of the sinners, “Satan as the god of this world,” selfish, wicked hearted and greedy.6 The other party Finney refers to in his writing were those who “choose Jehovah for their governor,”.7 Finney went on to explain that the sins that sinners commit are those of their choosing, “Some persons, as I have already observed, seem disposed to be passive, to wait for some mysterious influence,”8 he wrote in hopes to encourage the nation to eradicate their sin of slavery. Finney know the sins his people were committing and tried to reach out to them so they could live in a country and hopefully one day a world, where everyone was treated equal and lived in

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