
Harriet Tubm A Brief Biography

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When Harriet Tubman’s owner fell sick and died she decided to escape slavery while she could. Tubman and her two brothers set off for the free state but as they set off for their journey the brothers got frightened and decided to go back to the plantation. She got them safely back and then went on the adventure by herself. When she finally made it to the Free State using the Underground Railroad she later stated,
When I found I had crossed that line, I looked at my hands to see if I was the same person. There was such a glory over everything; the sun came like gold through the trees, and over the fields, and I felt like I was in Heaven (Harriet Tubman, np).
Instead of a staying in the safety of the Free State she wanted to free her family and many other people. Tubman ended up saving all of her …show more content…

Then, not long after joining the army she became the first woman to be an armed spy for the union (Harriet Tubman, np). Tubman led the Combahee River Raid, which freed more than seven hundred slaves in South Carolina (Harriet Tubman, np). Harriet was one of nine children born between 1808 and 1832. She was probably born in 1820, but the year of her birth is not known. She was born to enslaved parents in Dorchester County, Maryland (Harriet Tubman, np). She changed her name when she got married from Araminta Harriet Ross to just Harriet, probably to honor her mother (Harriet Tubman, np). Harriet had a very hard life growing up. First, being born into slavery, then having her family split up at a young age, three of her little sisters were sold to another plantation. The son of the plantation, where Harriet was born, Edward decided to sell them for the money (Harriet Tubman, np). When a man from Georgia came and tried to buy Moses, which is Rit’s youngest son, Rit refused to not further separate her family and to be a good example for her youngest daughter (Harriet Tubman,

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