
Harriet Tubman Essay Outline

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Harriet Tubman The Underground Railroad was a secret system of individuals who assisted fugitive slaves in their quest for freedom prior to the Civil War. The term, used between 1830-1860, refers to the swift, “invisible” way in which the slaves escaped. Usually they hid during the day and moved at night. Coffin says: “fugitive slaves relied heavily on fellow slaves and free blacks, who rarely betray them.” (Coffin, 2006). The most famous black leader in the movement was Harriet Tubman, a nonliterate runaway slave who became the “Moses” of her people. Bay Back Books stated: “Harriet Tubman had been a liberator, a woman who stood up to slave power, and a warrior whose actions spoke louder than words”. Clinton says that her …show more content…

She had a closely knit band, included several men and women and they became an official scouting service for the Department of the South. Their confidence led to the Combahee River in June of 1862, a military operation that marked a turning point in Tubman's career. Ceinton said “All of her attacks upon the Confederacy Had been purposefully clandestine. She didn’t remain anonymous with her prominent role in that military operation” The raid up the Combahee River was a twisting waterway approximately 10 miles north of Beaufort where Tubman and her comrades were stationed. They were commenced when the Federal gunboats Harriet A. Weed and John Adams made their way into the river shortly before midnight of June 2nd, 1863. Tubman accompanied 150 African-American troops from the second South Carolina Infantry and their white officers aboard John Adams, the black soldiers were particularly relieved that their lives had been entrusted, not only to Colonel Montgomery, but also to the famed “Moses”. Meanwhile, a company of the second South Carolina Capitan Carver landed and deployed at Tar Bluff, 2 miles north of Fields Point. Civil War Times said he 2 ships steamed upriver to the Nichols Plantation, where Harriet A. Weed anchored. She also guided the boats and men to designated shoreline points where fugitive slaves were hiding out. Once “all clear” was

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